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Publishing Config

This will create a workflows.php configuration file in your config folder.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Workflow\Providers\WorkflowServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Changing Workflows Folder

By default, the make commands will write to the app/Workflows folder.

php artisan make:workflow MyWorkflow
php artisan make:activity MyActivity

This can be changed by updating the workflows_folder setting.

'workflows_folder' => 'Workflows',

Using Custom Models

In the workflows.php config file you can update the model classes to use your own.

'stored_workflow_model' => App\Models\StoredWorkflow::class,

'stored_workflow_exception_model' => App\Models\StoredWorkflowException::class,

'stored_workflow_log_model' => App\Models\StoredWorkflowLog::class,

'stored_workflow_signal_model' => App\Models\StoredWorkflowSignal::class,

'stored_workflow_timer_model' => App\Models\StoredWorkflowTimer::class,

Changing Base Model

By default, the workflow models extend Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model but some packages like require you to extend their model, such as in this example, MongoDB\Laravel\Eloquent\Model.

This can be changed by updating the base_model setting.

'base_model' => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::class,

It should now look like this.

'base_model' => MongoDB\Laravel\Eloquent\Model::class,