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Pruning Workflows

Sometimes you may want to periodically delete completed workflows that are no longer needed. To accomplish this, you may use the model:prune artisan command.

php artisan model:prune --model="Workflow\Models\StoredWorkflow"

By default, only completed workflows older than 1 month are pruned. You can control this via configuration setting.

'prune_age' => '1 month',

You can schedule the model:prune artisan command in your application's routes/console.php file.

Schedule::command('model:prune', [
'--model' => StoredWorkflow::class,

You can also control which workflows are pruned by extending the base workflow model and implementing your own prunable method.

public function prunable(): Builder
return static::where('status', 'completed')
->where('created_at', '<=', now()->subMonth())

You may test the model:prune command with the --pretend option. When pretending, the model:prune command will report how many records would be pruned if the command were to actually run.

php artisan model:prune --model="Workflow\Models\StoredWorkflow" --pretend