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Signals allow you to trigger events in a workflow from outside the workflow. This can be useful for reacting to external events or for signaling the completion of an external task.

To define a signal method on your workflow, use the SignalMethod annotation. The method will be called with any arguments provided when the signal is triggered:

use Workflow\SignalMethod;
use Workflow\Workflow;

class MyWorkflow extends Workflow
protected $ready = false;

public function setReady($ready)
$this->ready = $ready;

To trigger a signal on a workflow, call the method on the workflow instance. The signal method accepts optional arguments that will also be passed to it.

use Workflow\WorkflowStub;

$workflow = WorkflowStub::make(MyWorkflow::class);


The WorkflowStub::await() method can be used in a workflow to pause execution until a specified condition is met. For example, to pause the workflow until a signal is received, the following code can be used:

use Workflow\Workflow;
use Workflow\WorkflowStub;

class MyWorkflow extends Workflow
private bool $ready = false;

public function execute()
yield WorkflowStub::await(fn () => $this->ready);

Important: The await() method should only be used in a workflow, and not in an activity.