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Passing Data

You can pass data into a workflow via the start() method.

use Workflow\WorkflowStub;

$workflow = WorkflowStub::make(MyWorkflow::class);
while ($workflow->running());
=> 'Hello, world!'

It will be passed as arguments to the workflow's execute() method.

Similarly, you can pass data into an activity via the ActivityStub::make() method.

use Workflow\ActivityStub;
use Workflow\Workflow;

class MyWorkflow extends Workflow
public function execute($name)
return yield ActivityStub::make(MyActivity::class, $name);

It will be passed as arguments to the activity's execute() method

use Workflow\Activity;

class MyActivity extends Activity
public function execute($name)
return "Hello, {$name}!";

In general, you should only pass small amounts of data in this manner. Rather than passing large amounts of data, you should write the data to the database, cache or file system. Then pass the key or file path to the workflow and activities. The activities can then use the key or file path to read the data.


Passing in models works similarly to SerializesModels.

use App\Models\User;
use Workflow\ActivityStub;
use Workflow\Workflow;

class MyWorkflow extends Workflow
public function execute(User $user)
return yield ActivityStub::make(MyActivity::class, $user->name);

When an Eloquent model is passed to a workflow or activity, only its ModelIdentifier is serialized. This reduces the size of the payload, ensuring that your workflows remain efficient and performant.

object(ModelIdentifier) {
id: 42,
class: "App\Models\User",
relations: [],
connection: "mysql"

When the workflow or activity runs, it will retrieve the complete model instance, including any loaded relationships, from the database. If you wish to prevent extra database calls during the execution of a workflow or activity, consider converting the model to an array before passing it.

Dependency Injection

In addition to passing data, you are able to type-hint dependencies on the workflow or activity execute() methods. The Laravel service container will automatically inject those dependencies.

use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application;
use Workflow\Workflow;

class MyWorkflow extends Workflow
public function execute(Application $app)
if ($app->runningInConsole()) {
// ...